Sunday, December 5, 2021

Reasons why you should love yourself unconditionally


 When babies are born, we try to give them the best we can,love, food , care, support, understanding and patience.. the babies have not achieved anything yet in life, they just breathe, they exist, so their self-worth.

When we grow plants, we try to give to the seed the best things we can afford,  love, water, nutrients, sun, care and patience ..
The seed or the plant at this point has not achieved anything yet, no fruits, no green leaves, no shadow.. it just exists and breathes.

However, all these actions seem so normal when it's done to others but as cruel as it may be, sometimes we are not acting in a merciful way with ourselves, we neglect our worth and we can be too hard on ourselves.. we may lack self-esteem just because we didn't achieve anything or as many things as we wanted.. However nobody should be treated according to their targets and their goals! 

Everybody's worth and value are inherent ..self esteem and self love is a must because we exist! That's the only condition you should follow! You don't have to be rich or smart or handsome or a genius to give yourself all the respect and the possible reward for your soul .. It's enough that you're here and alive, we all need love, support, Patience and care to be able to grow and flourish.. and even if nothing happens, your love for yourself should be persistant because it's not based on a condition or a target.. it's only based on you! You exist so you're Worthy of every goodness and all the love and beauty..

If you know and appreciate your value, others will certainly do the same, they will admire the way you're and the way you see yourself.


If you love and accept yourself enough, you will see fruits.. because if you have good soil and water and sun, your seeds will grow one day no doubt!  🌱🍏

Remember that your real worth is in you.. you deserve to be loved and get care and warmth even if you achieve nothing at all that's exactly when you will start to thrive and grow. 


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